Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Breath of Inspiration

Every moment of Time that we live each day holds something unique that can resonate with the energy of self, this energy we know as Inspiration.

It's that simple "AHA" moment we all have now and then that seems so mystical at times, yet is so extraordinarily common if one only opens themselves to accept these random instances. Something as simple as the fluttering of leaves on a cool autumn day can be enough to spark the minds desire for something more, or perhaps just the simple smile of a random passer by.

We can be inspired to do great things if we only wish to ACCOMPLISH great things. When you choose to do great things with your life, your life will do great things with You. We live in a constant state of Chaotic Harmony with this Universe of ours, and at its most basic level it simply wishes to be recognized. So easy is it these days to forget that we're just a Tiiiiiiiiiny part of a Huuuuuuge whole, with people more commonly looking within themselves then to the Universe without....if they even look anywhere at all >_<

If you accept that the Universe is a conscious being just like you and me, and that it truly wishes to see you succeed in more ways then you can'll be happy to find things working smoother for you in a matter of moments. I must say though that it takes a keen sense of perception to notice the subtle changes in the Universe that consistently come to your Aid. You must understand this Reality that surrounds us is a Timeless Entity, and thusly it reacts differently to situations then We. A seemingly bad string of luck might very well work out in your favor, as the actions it forces you to take might have saved you more trouble and pain then the ones you were originally intent on making.

Usually it manifests in Timely answers and openings that allow you to act without much doubt or delay, and are more often "random" instances then obvious slow growing ones. It's this randomness that our Universe seems to favor, as it takes a Bold soul to grasp on blindly to the rope of faith. What one comes to understand in time is that we are all inately blind....and from there one comes to realize that blindness is just another form of sight.

It's an art really. Being able to ride the waves of time with absolute faith of the inevitable outcome, without ever giving in to the consistent bombardment of drawbacks that come your way. One must be flexible with the happenings of life and be able to adapt to every situation, as each new event in life presents a pathway to ever more outcomes. And thus we are drawn back to the topic of Inspiration.

It is inspiration that can be credited for the success of the Human Race. Without this seemingly Divine spark, we would still be wrestling our food to the ground and living off the land. Without inspiration there would be no art, no books, no technology, no businesses, no society, no language...nothing but what Mother Nature intended. In a sense you could say that Inspiration is a Glitch in the system that we take to like fish to water. Perhaps it's wrong to call such an integral part of our existence a Glitch, but in relation to nature I feel it an accurate assessment.

So for the time being, remember to keep your eyes and energy open to new things. Look at the world through a new set of eyes, eyes that sense the conscious intent of the world without. See not only shapes and colors, but possibilities and outcomes. See things like they've never been seen before, and perhaps the world will just see You like never before ^_^

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