Saturday, December 6, 2008

What is Happiness?

Such a simple ideal...yet is it really so hard to attain? To live life to the fullest, to be and feel like you've never been or felt ever before...every minute of every day of every year of every life? Why is it that no matter how hard we try or don't try to achieve this seemingly natural state of being, we almost always feel like there's something standing in our way. Is it us? Is it the individual or the people around us, or perhaps our place in life? Why is it that no matter how happy we get, we can almost all feel that its built on a foundation made of clay?

To me, its because we are all connected. This is the beauty of the World we live in today. It has become little more then a ruthless machine of efficiency. Inspiration and potential is now limited by social standards and economic instability. Very few people are trully free to forge their perfect life without spending a lifetime of effort and pain just to achieve a fraction of the initial ideal. We have been seperated into Countries, States, Catagories, even "Races". I mean...whatever happened to being Human? Whatever happened to our infinite potential as Co-Creators of the Reality within and without us? Whatever happened to True Happiness.

Power without Consequence. Or should I say, Power with Extreme Consequence. The Extreme Consequence of the limitless potential of our entire Human Race. The one thing well polished machines and systems cannot tolerate are anomalies. These sudden changes and bursts of inspiration throw everything out of wack, and thus are perceived as a danger to the overall well being of the machine that is our World. Schools are designed to strip children of identity and sense of purpose, Jobs co ordinated to strap future leaders into submisive positions just to keep food on the table, Entertainment provided to keep the imagination active but the Soul stagnant and deprived, Food created for the soul purpose of addicting a future generation to wasteful habits, and Techologies concieved to keep us right where we are.

We live in a Horrific yet Beautiful world. There are absolutely ludicrous amounts of weapons and biological agents awaiting the twitchy finger of the next psychotic madman with just a little too much power. Agencies conducting unthinkable expiriments, both for the benefit and restraint of the Human race. Terrible things happen to innocent people with every passing second, at every corner of our tiny globe. This and this alone is why no one person will EVER be able to attain True happiness in their lifetime, so long as this continues. Like it or not, we are all connected in one way or another. What I feel, you feel. You simply feel it on a virtualy un noticable level, and is simply no percieved by the conscious mind. The path to Happiness is the Path to Freedom, and unfortunately Freedom is detremental to the power of the Few.

We have all the tools available to turn this world into an incredible place to live. A place where we could all be free to express ourselves in whatever ways imaginable, not just in certain places but on every inch of this vast universe in which we live. This isn't to say we will always have peace, as hatred and discord are just as much a part of us as love and harmony. Thanks to the Machine however, our perceptions of the two have become skewed. No longer do people strive to attain a balance within themselves, but they pick a path and follow that and only that. Some may at the very least be accepting of other views, but very few walk the many paths of life at once. Nor is it their fault, as our societies have been constructed to move us away from our vast potential with each passing day. Even those with kind hearts and true vision have little say in the direction of our World.

Sometimes it all just feels like one big play. Like the very improbabilities of which this Universe was formed have been stripped away. Almost as if nothing happens that wasn't planned 30 years in advance. It's hard to look at the World today and think it got to the way it is by chance. Giving a piece of Humanity the ability to achieve and experience happiness and freedom while stripping away the majority of our brothers and sisters of their individual potential is the perfect breeding ground for Chaos and Strife. There will always be envy, distrust, and hatred, to name a few. The entire race can never trully be satisfied, no matter how hard we try. Yet we DO all possess the inner traits that would allow us to become something more. Even the most evil and sinister people that have ever walked the face of this planet can agree that we deserve something more. Perhaps they can't express it in the same scope, but even if they wished to be above just one other person then they too have felt this drive. The drive to be something more. Even those so depressed and fed up with life are likely there due to the rejection they recieve by the very fabric of the reality around them.

Why is it that we must live in seperation when we are so clearly connected? Why is it that we cannot choose the direction of our lives and the life of our planet, but rather we must walk the thin and fragile tightrope that is life in this day and age. War is the very fabric of human existance. From the moment we are born we're at war with ourselves and the world around us. Even the most peace oriented person is indeed at War, a war against War itself. So why not have War games? Why not pit ourselves against one another in brutal combat of mass scale, but in fairly safe and enjoyable ways? Why is it that we must rob innocents of their chance to experience life and equality before they even have the chance to experience it. Why should any one country be any better then the other, and for that matter why do we even have countries? Some would say that having a global community would be dangerous because it would give a Few entire control over the masses.


HELLO? Isn't that the reality we live in now? The only reason people might think this is because they imagine a Global Community being run like our seperated communities. Vision has become a fictional term these days. It means little more then the ability to percieve information via light particals through the eyes. It has lost its true meaning, the meaning of creation and destruction. Well, destruction is ironicaly still alive and kicking, but creation has been put on the backburner. No longer are great lifechanging inovations projected around the world (assuming they ever were), and no longer to small children see the vastness of the reality around them. We all live in individual realities now, simply accepting the collective as something that can only be changed by the few.

Even if what you've read here has inspire you to do something more, it is likely that you won't be able to act upon that primal urge. You will likely return to work where the inspirational feelings will be shuffled to the back of your mind to make room for the nesescarry functions the mind will need to perform. The random events and stresses of the day will further push that emotion back, untill it is inevitably recycled by the mind in your sleep. And just like that, your life will repeat itself. The sun will rise, the day will pass, the night will come, the night will pass. Repeat. Even those of true Vision find themselves strapped to the bindings of the Machine that is Organized Humanity. As of now, change is virtualy impossible. Even if 99.99% of the people on this earth wished for change, it would be that 0.01% that would rob us all of our vision. That 0.01% is all that stands between us and our infinite potential and limitless potential, because its that 0.01% that controls the fate of the 99.99% of Humanity.

So untill that tiny fraction of humanity experiences enlightenment of the soul, it is quite unlikely that many of us will ever achieve our True Potential in this life. This is a sad tradgedy indeed thanks to the fact that this right now is the time for Humanity to shine. Now is the time for change, yet change cannot come. So how can we cope with this prison of Organized Humanity?

For now, the Truest means of projecting outwards is to reach Inwards. Since we are all connected by the Primal Energies, tapping into our individual frequencies and strengthening them is the only way we as individuals can touch the lives of millions. Its kind of funny how the one thing we can never physicaly see is the one thing that can change all things that we physicaly see. When one person achieves Energetic Harmony, we are all affected in one way or another. From the riches greediest government official to the poorest humblest child, we all feel the impact of an individual reconnecting with the Vastness of Self.

So if you want to live in the dismall reality that has been created for us, all you must do is accept it as truth. Your belief will make and keep it real for you and all those around you. Even if you've become vastly wealthy off the misfortune of others, you too are poor and deprived when it comes to the energy of the soul. Not because what you've done is "wrong" or "immoral", but because you have prevented just one person from connecting with the Primal Energies. You have thrown a seemingly impassible barrier in their way, one that thanks to social conditioningthey will likely never attempt to break through. The saddest thing is that if one would only try, they would find these mighty walls to be little more then colored air.

If happiness is your Goal in life, start by looking within. Only by looking in can you ever truely see out. Only by seeing out can you ever truely go in. Only by truely going in can you ever completely go out. Untill then, you will be forver bound like the rest of us. Bound to the world around you, you will inevitably serve it untill the day you one form or another. Achieve harmony with self so that you may effect those you have never met and will never meet. Achieve balance with the world and perhaps one day the world too will achieve balance.

Blessings and great energies be with you all.

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