Every moment of Time that we live each day holds something unique that can resonate with the energy of self, this energy we know as Inspiration.
It's that simple "AHA" moment we all have now and then that seems so mystical at times, yet is so extraordinarily common if one only opens themselves to accept these random instances. Something as simple as the fluttering of leaves on a cool autumn day can be enough to spark the minds desire for something more, or perhaps just the simple smile of a random passer by.
We can be inspired to do great things if we only wish to ACCOMPLISH great things. When you choose to do great things with your life, your life will do great things with You. We live in a constant state of Chaotic Harmony with this Universe of ours, and at its most basic level it simply wishes to be recognized. So easy is it these days to forget that we're just a Tiiiiiiiiiny part of a Huuuuuuge whole, with people more commonly looking within themselves then to the Universe without....if they even look anywhere at all >_<
If you accept that the Universe is a conscious being just like you and me, and that it truly wishes to see you succeed in more ways then you can imagine...you'll be happy to find things working smoother for you in a matter of moments. I must say though that it takes a keen sense of perception to notice the subtle changes in the Universe that consistently come to your Aid. You must understand this Reality that surrounds us is a Timeless Entity, and thusly it reacts differently to situations then We. A seemingly bad string of luck might very well work out in your favor, as the actions it forces you to take might have saved you more trouble and pain then the ones you were originally intent on making.
Usually it manifests in Timely answers and openings that allow you to act without much doubt or delay, and are more often "random" instances then obvious slow growing ones. It's this randomness that our Universe seems to favor, as it takes a Bold soul to grasp on blindly to the rope of faith. What one comes to understand in time is that we are all inately blind....and from there one comes to realize that blindness is just another form of sight.
It's an art really. Being able to ride the waves of time with absolute faith of the inevitable outcome, without ever giving in to the consistent bombardment of drawbacks that come your way. One must be flexible with the happenings of life and be able to adapt to every situation, as each new event in life presents a pathway to ever more outcomes. And thus we are drawn back to the topic of Inspiration.
It is inspiration that can be credited for the success of the Human Race. Without this seemingly Divine spark, we would still be wrestling our food to the ground and living off the land. Without inspiration there would be no art, no books, no technology, no businesses, no society, no language...nothing but what Mother Nature intended. In a sense you could say that Inspiration is a Glitch in the system that we take to like fish to water. Perhaps it's wrong to call such an integral part of our existence a Glitch, but in relation to nature I feel it an accurate assessment.
So for the time being, remember to keep your eyes and energy open to new things. Look at the world through a new set of eyes, eyes that sense the conscious intent of the world without. See not only shapes and colors, but possibilities and outcomes. See things like they've never been seen before, and perhaps the world will just see You like never before ^_^
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The World is at Your Service
Nothing passes you by.
It is all there. Every tool, every instance, every moment necissary to bring you to where you wish to be...it's all there, right in front of you. It's all just waiting for you to open your eyes and grab hold, and I can assure you that so long as you hold on it will never let you go. This world is just a tiny part of the vast infinite of our reality, and thus it is simply one more tool at your disposal.
The simple truth is that the World won't accept you until you can first accept yourself. You must awaken to the fact that You have the Perfect life, no matter what. No matter how hard things might seem or how impossible the circumstances, You have the Perfect life. Everything comes to you as you need it, Everything works in exactly the way you want it to work. Mistakes and setbacks are typically just messages trying to tell you to take another course of action, or to revise your initial approach.
Material possessions are pointless yet vital to life in this world, so why not have a never ending stream of if coming your way? You need to consciously make that decision to become the Master of your Universe, to Attract all you want and need at all times. Apathy, Confusion, Depression, Anger, Sadness,...all these and so much more are just the little illusions your mind uses to keep you strapped down in the situation you're currently in. It's the nature of the Conscious Mind to sabatoge your inevitable success, so it's important to give credit to the power of your Sub-Conscious self. It's this "Auto Pilot" feature of our very being that is really one of the most remarkable aspects of our very existance.
Never shall you be without what it is you need to survive and prosper. Forever shall you be nourished with the necessities of life and happiness, no matter what might come your way. Wish not to be void of the downfalls of life, for it's these moments of failure that bring to light the pathways to higher success. When you feel defeated or totally lost, take a half an hour to just be alone.
Slip back into your mind and comfort yourself with the thoughts of having all it is you need. See the problem at hand being solved and the desired outcome manifesting in a Timely fashion. Feel the energy pulse throughout your body as you send this signal into the universe, and Understand that it is already done. Take as much time as you need to let this confidence build up within, and keep in mind that you have already succeeded. Should any further failures come your way, make sure to deeply analyze them and find the hidden answer to your problem at hand.
You will never fail. You will never falter. You are Absolute. Even the End (death) is yet one more beginning in this Mystic game of Life.
"And Ye Shall Be as Gods"
It is all there. Every tool, every instance, every moment necissary to bring you to where you wish to be...it's all there, right in front of you. It's all just waiting for you to open your eyes and grab hold, and I can assure you that so long as you hold on it will never let you go. This world is just a tiny part of the vast infinite of our reality, and thus it is simply one more tool at your disposal.
The simple truth is that the World won't accept you until you can first accept yourself. You must awaken to the fact that You have the Perfect life, no matter what. No matter how hard things might seem or how impossible the circumstances, You have the Perfect life. Everything comes to you as you need it, Everything works in exactly the way you want it to work. Mistakes and setbacks are typically just messages trying to tell you to take another course of action, or to revise your initial approach.
Material possessions are pointless yet vital to life in this world, so why not have a never ending stream of if coming your way? You need to consciously make that decision to become the Master of your Universe, to Attract all you want and need at all times. Apathy, Confusion, Depression, Anger, Sadness,...all these and so much more are just the little illusions your mind uses to keep you strapped down in the situation you're currently in. It's the nature of the Conscious Mind to sabatoge your inevitable success, so it's important to give credit to the power of your Sub-Conscious self. It's this "Auto Pilot" feature of our very being that is really one of the most remarkable aspects of our very existance.
Never shall you be without what it is you need to survive and prosper. Forever shall you be nourished with the necessities of life and happiness, no matter what might come your way. Wish not to be void of the downfalls of life, for it's these moments of failure that bring to light the pathways to higher success. When you feel defeated or totally lost, take a half an hour to just be alone.
Slip back into your mind and comfort yourself with the thoughts of having all it is you need. See the problem at hand being solved and the desired outcome manifesting in a Timely fashion. Feel the energy pulse throughout your body as you send this signal into the universe, and Understand that it is already done. Take as much time as you need to let this confidence build up within, and keep in mind that you have already succeeded. Should any further failures come your way, make sure to deeply analyze them and find the hidden answer to your problem at hand.
You will never fail. You will never falter. You are Absolute. Even the End (death) is yet one more beginning in this Mystic game of Life.
"And Ye Shall Be as Gods"
The Totality of Days to Come
I seek to bring Awareness to the Forefront of the Human race. Not simple mundane awareness of ample significance to childish trinkets. Awareness of the Absolute and the Infinite that resides within the shell of mortal form.
Every day that slips into memory was a chance to become something more. Every second that flows beyond your perception escapes multitudes of possibilities, though every choice made was the absolute truth of inescapable inevitable future outcome. Become Aware.
Become Aware of the Truth of your Divine Existence, of the Absolute Totality of your Subconcious mind. Understand that the world of which your perception perceives is the complete manifestation of your Own deepest inner impulses. All the bad and all the good were brought before you, for you & by you. Every happening in your life is a chance to learn and evolve beyond that state of simplicity that wraps us down in mundane mortality.
Awaken to the Awareness of Absolute Astral Control. You are on par with the Gods of Old, and the only weakness you possess is the one you Perceive. The world is your sandbox, the universe...your playground. Have fun with it, have fun with the Illusion of Time that enthralls you at a primal level. Step back from your body and allow yourself to open to the Torents of Energy cascading around you eternally.
In this state of Infinite Oneness reach out to the others of Self that exist and are calling out to you. Open and Accept your Energy to the Frequencies of Human Desire, allow your Future Utopia to be planted within your mind. Nurture this garden through diligent awareness to its very existence, and be sure to feed it daily with the miracle grow known as Imagination. This foolish little daydream will some day grow into an unmistakable reality that no one can possibly deny.
What is the Future to you?
To me, it is something more. It's like a sci fi novel with a runaway writer, ever expanding into the darkness of Time Untold. It is the fulfillment of Human Desire and Neccessity. It is Technology birthing races anew and Travel to places beyond mortal Imagination. The future is the Unification of our Species in Understanding and Acceptance, a Time devoid of internal hatred and struggle. It is a Time of Times, a Destiny written in the Stars and fabric of Time itself.
The Future...My Future...is inevitable. Awaken to the Self within the Self, and you too shall see the Totality of the Days yet to come.
Every day that slips into memory was a chance to become something more. Every second that flows beyond your perception escapes multitudes of possibilities, though every choice made was the absolute truth of inescapable inevitable future outcome. Become Aware.
Become Aware of the Truth of your Divine Existence, of the Absolute Totality of your Subconcious mind. Understand that the world of which your perception perceives is the complete manifestation of your Own deepest inner impulses. All the bad and all the good were brought before you, for you & by you. Every happening in your life is a chance to learn and evolve beyond that state of simplicity that wraps us down in mundane mortality.
Awaken to the Awareness of Absolute Astral Control. You are on par with the Gods of Old, and the only weakness you possess is the one you Perceive. The world is your sandbox, the universe...your playground. Have fun with it, have fun with the Illusion of Time that enthralls you at a primal level. Step back from your body and allow yourself to open to the Torents of Energy cascading around you eternally.
In this state of Infinite Oneness reach out to the others of Self that exist and are calling out to you. Open and Accept your Energy to the Frequencies of Human Desire, allow your Future Utopia to be planted within your mind. Nurture this garden through diligent awareness to its very existence, and be sure to feed it daily with the miracle grow known as Imagination. This foolish little daydream will some day grow into an unmistakable reality that no one can possibly deny.
What is the Future to you?
To me, it is something more. It's like a sci fi novel with a runaway writer, ever expanding into the darkness of Time Untold. It is the fulfillment of Human Desire and Neccessity. It is Technology birthing races anew and Travel to places beyond mortal Imagination. The future is the Unification of our Species in Understanding and Acceptance, a Time devoid of internal hatred and struggle. It is a Time of Times, a Destiny written in the Stars and fabric of Time itself.
The Future...My Future...is inevitable. Awaken to the Self within the Self, and you too shall see the Totality of the Days yet to come.
God Humans
We open the page to find a book. What appears to be a flat plane of existance reveals to us multitudes of hidden dimension. Yet is this knowledge truly hidden, or simply overlooked? Either way the truth persists now and then, that We are more than meets the eye. So how should one approach infinite possibility?
By being infinitely open to infinite ideas. By embracing that most sacred function of the human mind, that of the the active imagination. We as a race have unarguably proven time and time again, that which we can imagine....we can create. With that comes yet another question...Are we creating something new, or unveiling something we simply could not see before? This unexplainable ability to manifest forth that which resides within our mind, why is it that we've been conditioned to believe it to be a non-primary function of our human existance?
Because it's dangerous to the Structure. It threatens control and promotes absolute freedom. It is this innate ability to express non existance through tangible means that makes our collective conciousness a danger.
In enters the idea of Gods. That's plural, yet singular. Is it not hard to believe that we are of the same thread, creating our weave upon the fabric of this reality? This has become a fairly common belief in this 'New Age', that All is One. We are all individual pieces of the whole, performing our functions to a tee. As such, each and every conciousness has the ability to ascend to its 'original' place in existance through focused willpower.
Obviously, as stated before, a danger to the Structure. So how exactly does one 'ascend'? The answer to that question might perhaps be more individual than the individual contemplating its outcome. We each have our own destiny to create, so it;s up to us to set our sights on something more. To say that the sky is the limit would be a gross understatement, to be sure.
By being infinitely open to infinite ideas. By embracing that most sacred function of the human mind, that of the the active imagination. We as a race have unarguably proven time and time again, that which we can imagine....we can create. With that comes yet another question...Are we creating something new, or unveiling something we simply could not see before? This unexplainable ability to manifest forth that which resides within our mind, why is it that we've been conditioned to believe it to be a non-primary function of our human existance?
Because it's dangerous to the Structure. It threatens control and promotes absolute freedom. It is this innate ability to express non existance through tangible means that makes our collective conciousness a danger.
In enters the idea of Gods. That's plural, yet singular. Is it not hard to believe that we are of the same thread, creating our weave upon the fabric of this reality? This has become a fairly common belief in this 'New Age', that All is One. We are all individual pieces of the whole, performing our functions to a tee. As such, each and every conciousness has the ability to ascend to its 'original' place in existance through focused willpower.
Obviously, as stated before, a danger to the Structure. So how exactly does one 'ascend'? The answer to that question might perhaps be more individual than the individual contemplating its outcome. We each have our own destiny to create, so it;s up to us to set our sights on something more. To say that the sky is the limit would be a gross understatement, to be sure.
Life: Our Endless Game
Like sand in the Seas of Time
Days flip past like the pages of an unseen tome. The lights go on and off around and within us as the conclusion moves one notch closer. Left, right, forwards, backwards, up and down...all lead to one place.
Or so we've been told
Its odd really, how the most powerful of human tools, is now so usefuly classified as childish nonsense. What is this 'Weapon of Mass Destruction & Inspiration' of which I speak?
Why, nothing more then a little imagination.
That spark of imagination is what birthed the very planes of existance themselves. So why is it that such an incredible gift has been shuffled to the back of society like an over read book? That answer is quite simple.
Fear of self and fear of consequence. Forced fear, that which comes on easier with each passing generation as 'We' are colectively hearded and bread to recieve and embrace it. This simply will not do. When a child looks to the stars, there is a true miracle. When that thought of 'What else' comes into the mind, is when the magic truely starts its fantastic journey.
It's frightening really, to understand the power of imagination in Tomorrows world. Those that see this incredible power will grasp it without question, knowing that they will be granted the ability to litteraly shape the reality within and around themselves and others. The things we can accomplish lie far beyond the bounds of one mortals most wild imagination, laying dormant in the archive of the collective conciousness. As mankind awakens and spirals to One, New Reality will be birthed once more.
So shall we breathe life into the shell that is our collective Existance. Awakening and accepting will bring about a change in the very fabric of the Reality in which we percieve today. All things of the Minds domain can and will be brought to bear before the wielder of focused thought. This is the way of 'Magick', or rather, the way of Life.
At what point does one cross the threshold of the 'Individual' and truely become immersed in the 'Collective'? What horrible and magnificent changes must we endure and welcome before 'We' can truely see the 'Light'?
Shall we ever awaken to our Purest Potential?
Days flip past like the pages of an unseen tome. The lights go on and off around and within us as the conclusion moves one notch closer. Left, right, forwards, backwards, up and down...all lead to one place.
Or so we've been told
Its odd really, how the most powerful of human tools, is now so usefuly classified as childish nonsense. What is this 'Weapon of Mass Destruction & Inspiration' of which I speak?
Why, nothing more then a little imagination.
That spark of imagination is what birthed the very planes of existance themselves. So why is it that such an incredible gift has been shuffled to the back of society like an over read book? That answer is quite simple.
Fear of self and fear of consequence. Forced fear, that which comes on easier with each passing generation as 'We' are colectively hearded and bread to recieve and embrace it. This simply will not do. When a child looks to the stars, there is a true miracle. When that thought of 'What else' comes into the mind, is when the magic truely starts its fantastic journey.
It's frightening really, to understand the power of imagination in Tomorrows world. Those that see this incredible power will grasp it without question, knowing that they will be granted the ability to litteraly shape the reality within and around themselves and others. The things we can accomplish lie far beyond the bounds of one mortals most wild imagination, laying dormant in the archive of the collective conciousness. As mankind awakens and spirals to One, New Reality will be birthed once more.
So shall we breathe life into the shell that is our collective Existance. Awakening and accepting will bring about a change in the very fabric of the Reality in which we percieve today. All things of the Minds domain can and will be brought to bear before the wielder of focused thought. This is the way of 'Magick', or rather, the way of Life.
At what point does one cross the threshold of the 'Individual' and truely become immersed in the 'Collective'? What horrible and magnificent changes must we endure and welcome before 'We' can truely see the 'Light'?
Shall we ever awaken to our Purest Potential?
My first Year with Yuwie
YOUR REFERRAL TREE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Its been one year to the day since I joined Yuwie, and as you can see I've been doing quite nicely for myself. This is also taking into consideration the fact that I've hardly been active at all these past 5 or 6 months. All that growth you see, is simply residual growth. Its everyone in my tree doing their best to build up their trees as well.
If you know me in person or pay attention to me on here, you know that the last few months have been kind of crazy for me. Those of you that knew me on Yuwie when I first found it know just how active and obsessed I used to be. I have every intention on getting back to that point, once I take care of setting up my life. Thats my main priority as of now.
Once I have steady access again I'll be working out a few websites and a system to aid anyone in growing their tree just a little bit more. I think everyone deserves a little extra money in their pockets, without having to run a marathon for it.
So, I am living proof that Yuwie works and that you DONT have to get in a jillion people or have a trillion page views. Just be real to your referrals and treat them with kindess and respect, and soon you too will see your very own tree sprouting out of the ground....which eventualy will soar far beyond the skies ^_^
Happy hunting friends
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