So here I am, on the edge of yet another personal breakthrough
I stand here awaiting the signal to step up yet another step in life, so that I may look down upon all that is around me...yet still be able to stare forever upward. It would seem I've reached yet another crossroad.
I want a successful blog that can help people learn about networking, but I don't always feel comfortable telling people how they should go about things...considering I'm still learning this myself >_< I want to host my own blog and make it look neat and professional, and have it full of useful quality content. As I said in a previous post, I would also like to make a blog dedicated to metaphysics and theories of such...since thats also a huge interest of mine.
Lately when I get online, I feel like I have nothing to do...which I know isnt true. Inwardly I'm always seeking to hold myself back, yet outwardly I'm always pushing forward. I just wanted to let the couple loyal readers know I'm still around, just very busy with life at the moment. I can't wait to take this to the next level ^_^
Until next time, Peace & Grace
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A change in Direction
I've only got a few moments to blog but I figured I'd write this up before I go.
I was reading over a blog at Blog Engage, and came to a conclusion. I think I should keep two blogs. This blog I want to be strictly about success related things, networking, advertising, stuff that will help you out in those fields.
Then I want to keep a seperate blog for all my spiritual and random posts. This way not only should my blog get ranked higher in searches, it will be more relavant and useful to you..the reader.
More on this to come, gotta bounce
Thanks so much for reading, don't forget to subscribe if you like the blog ^_^
I was reading over a blog at Blog Engage, and came to a conclusion. I think I should keep two blogs. This blog I want to be strictly about success related things, networking, advertising, stuff that will help you out in those fields.
Then I want to keep a seperate blog for all my spiritual and random posts. This way not only should my blog get ranked higher in searches, it will be more relavant and useful to you..the reader.
More on this to come, gotta bounce
Thanks so much for reading, don't forget to subscribe if you like the blog ^_^
Friday, July 4, 2008
Spell Casting
So here's a possibly touchy subject lol, but its what I feel like writing about.
I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself and how I came to be where I am, spiritually speaking of course.
Up until I was 18 I was a complete athiest, through and through...about pretty much everything actualy >_< I kind of grew up under a very large rock, so to speak. About halfway through 18 I had a breakdown and moved back in to my moms, but she had a new house. I moved down into the basement at first, and let me tell you that was the worst two nights of my life to date.
Apparently there was a "being" down there that...didn't very much like my presence. According to later scrying attempts it was apparently a little girl...if so then something very bad must have happened to her. To make a long story short she used a large mirror to take possession of my body and it was all downhill from there. After that I really opened up to the "Reality" of our "Percieved Reality" and rapidly undertook a spiritual cleansing of sorts. To this day and for many days to come I shall continue on this path to wherever it might take me, and for many days beyond that still.
Over the last two years I've made great strides in a field that I was completely ignorant of, which I will simply call P.R.M. (Percieved Reality Manipulation) more commonly seen as "Spell Casting" So what is Spell Casting? To say its easy to explain would be to say the sun is cold. There is far too much to ever even hope to capture by the human imagination, but I'll go ahead and list a few and attempt to give a brief explanation of each.
I might add more to this entry a little later, but I'm kinda hungry right now....
Thanks for reading ^_^
I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself and how I came to be where I am, spiritually speaking of course.
Up until I was 18 I was a complete athiest, through and through...about pretty much everything actualy >_< I kind of grew up under a very large rock, so to speak. About halfway through 18 I had a breakdown and moved back in to my moms, but she had a new house. I moved down into the basement at first, and let me tell you that was the worst two nights of my life to date.
Apparently there was a "being" down there that...didn't very much like my presence. According to later scrying attempts it was apparently a little girl...if so then something very bad must have happened to her. To make a long story short she used a large mirror to take possession of my body and it was all downhill from there. After that I really opened up to the "Reality" of our "Percieved Reality" and rapidly undertook a spiritual cleansing of sorts. To this day and for many days to come I shall continue on this path to wherever it might take me, and for many days beyond that still.
Over the last two years I've made great strides in a field that I was completely ignorant of, which I will simply call P.R.M. (Percieved Reality Manipulation) more commonly seen as "Spell Casting" So what is Spell Casting? To say its easy to explain would be to say the sun is cold. There is far too much to ever even hope to capture by the human imagination, but I'll go ahead and list a few and attempt to give a brief explanation of each.
- Scrying - This can be done in a large variety of ways, but a few of my personal favorites include but are not limited to: Looking into a body of still natural water, Staring at a small shape on a wall, Looking through a crystal ball (very fun), Using various Divinations such as Tarot or Lithomancy
- Time Manipulation - My personal specialty, or so I'd have myself believe. Its a bit complicated to sum up but its beautifuly simple, at least to me. Time seems to flow along a series of "Wheels" which are complexly interwoven with each other, as "Events" of various degrees travel along these wheels..completely at there mercy. With Time Manipulation one attempts to "Tinker" with the "Structure" of an individuals Path.
- Curses - The personal favorite and speciality of my good friend and mutual mentor, curses are typically viscous and made with ill intent. A curse can range from making someones day miserable to attracting fatal circumstances to an individual. While this is technically similar to Time Manipulation, Curses have a natural tendency to happen quickly and strike hard. Curses can be long lasting but most are immediate and have no further residual effect, aside from those the victim further perceives
- Enchantments - My secondary focus, Enchantments can be both Benevolent and Malevolent, often at the same time. For me an enchantment is the warping of a certain area of the "Metaphysical Reality Field" around any particular area of Space Time. I personally enjoy setting Activated Enchantments, which require the victim to activate of there own free will. Due to this nature of my enchantments, they make for very effective defenses. Enchantments are also very good when looking to augment something about a person or place. One can lay an Enchantment wherever and whenever one pleases, but remember that they are at the mercy of a Stronger Will.
- Healing - Healing magick is more of a gift then a skill, and its a gift that needs to be accepted and nurtured in order for it to grow. I feel that Healing magick is very close to Nature and might perhaps be granted to us from the Earth or planetary body (haven't been to Space just yet, so can't test that theory). One can help wounds recover rapidly, bring back memory loss, make a cold or headache go away, fortify the immune system, somewhat soothe a broken heart, calm an angry spirit (depending on its nature in life), renew the vitality of plants, etc etc.
- P.R.M. - Perceived Reality Manipulation is a Theory of Dedicated Practice. It simply doesn't exist in today's world or the known past, although the known past is an oxymoron in my opinion. This actually shouldn't be considered spell casting since its so much more, but it could have many effects associated with such. Theoretically with enough practice and immersion (taking into account the Aether Wave headed Earths way), one could put the reality around them at the mercy of their own Focused Will
I might add more to this entry a little later, but I'm kinda hungry right now....
Thanks for reading ^_^
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Great day at Yuwie
Well a couple cool things happened to me at Yuwie today. First of all, I signed on to find I had finally referred over 100 people into Yuwie myself. That makes over 100 members in all 10 levels of my tree. For those that aren't familiar with the system, heres a picture ^_^

So not only was I treated to an ever growing tree (anywhere from 7 to 20 people a day), I also recieved a payment from Yuwie. It was for the last couple months but heck, its free money for me ^_^ Heres a pic of that as well

In case that's too small for you to see, its a payment to Paypal from Yuwie for $32.68.
So for those of you that've been led to believe Yuwie is some sort of scam, here's proof that you're missing out on money. While it is indeed true that money on Yuwie can be hard to come by, its actualy quite simple for the patient and for those willing to learn a little bit. There are thousands of people that would have you believe you can make money with Yuwie through all sorts of crazy techniques, but in all honesty it boils down to pretty much one thing.
If you can't show the people you invite how to duplicate your efforts, I can almost guarantee that you won't get anywhere quickly. For those at Yuwie that think its too hard to succeed, just look at my numbers. Yuwie was literally my first experience at Network Marketing, and its taken me just about a Year now to build up those 100 referrals. My goal for this next coming year is to be at around 500 by the end of the year.
As you can see, my referrals have learned how to duplicate fairly well. While my levels 2 and 3 arent very active at all, the real money makers (lvs 8,9 & 10) are thriving with constant activity. If you've been looking for some proof before getting involved with Yuwie, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email is and I'm always happy to answer questions. I've been an active member of Yuwie since right towards its conception, and I've seen a lot happen there since then.
If you don't understand how exactly I'm making this money, take 5 minutes out of your day to view >>> THIS <<< video. I hope to help you grow your trees far beyond mine and far beyond what you ever thought you were capable of doing. It's so easy to do its crazy that people don't
Your competition is still hardly noticeable at best, so get ahead of the crowd while you can and establish your base. What you see above is the fruit of 11 months of Time, not necissarily effort. Since you aren't the only one earning you money, it's in your best interest to spread the word as EFFECTIVELY as possible. Don't mislead people, for you shall beget like results.
Honestly be there to help others, and help shall honestly be there for you.

So not only was I treated to an ever growing tree (anywhere from 7 to 20 people a day), I also recieved a payment from Yuwie. It was for the last couple months but heck, its free money for me ^_^ Heres a pic of that as well

In case that's too small for you to see, its a payment to Paypal from Yuwie for $32.68.
So for those of you that've been led to believe Yuwie is some sort of scam, here's proof that you're missing out on money. While it is indeed true that money on Yuwie can be hard to come by, its actualy quite simple for the patient and for those willing to learn a little bit. There are thousands of people that would have you believe you can make money with Yuwie through all sorts of crazy techniques, but in all honesty it boils down to pretty much one thing.
If you can't show the people you invite how to duplicate your efforts, I can almost guarantee that you won't get anywhere quickly. For those at Yuwie that think its too hard to succeed, just look at my numbers. Yuwie was literally my first experience at Network Marketing, and its taken me just about a Year now to build up those 100 referrals. My goal for this next coming year is to be at around 500 by the end of the year.
As you can see, my referrals have learned how to duplicate fairly well. While my levels 2 and 3 arent very active at all, the real money makers (lvs 8,9 & 10) are thriving with constant activity. If you've been looking for some proof before getting involved with Yuwie, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email is and I'm always happy to answer questions. I've been an active member of Yuwie since right towards its conception, and I've seen a lot happen there since then.
If you don't understand how exactly I'm making this money, take 5 minutes out of your day to view >>> THIS <<< video. I hope to help you grow your trees far beyond mine and far beyond what you ever thought you were capable of doing. It's so easy to do its crazy that people don't
Your competition is still hardly noticeable at best, so get ahead of the crowd while you can and establish your base. What you see above is the fruit of 11 months of Time, not necissarily effort. Since you aren't the only one earning you money, it's in your best interest to spread the word as EFFECTIVELY as possible. Don't mislead people, for you shall beget like results.
Honestly be there to help others, and help shall honestly be there for you.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm doing away with Adsense for now
So I haven't had internet here for a couple days now, I thankfully just managed to pick it up. The last few days have been pretty hectik, what with me getting a new job and searching for a new place to live...amongst other things lol. Anyways I got to thinking about it, and realized that putting a 3rd party ad on my page is totally against what I want this blog to be about.
Doing that is technically me attempting to persuade you to click on some random ad and buy something, so I can get paid. But that's nothing like what I want, considering I only want to help out the few people that actually read what I write >_< For you the reader, I attempt to maintain this blog with the most useful and trustworthy material I can gather. By allowing someone else to choose what is promoted on my site, I have already failed in my goal.
Ive seen some of the ads too, they're really stupid if you ask me. Especially the picture ones, some are straight up offensive. So in the spirit of this particular sphere of the internet, I will no longer be supporting third party ads. Every ad you see on this page from this day forward will be hand selected and personally tested by me. The links I post do benefit me, but in my opinion they can benefit you so much more. Up until a year and a half ago I didn't even know what Network Marketing was. Once I got the big picture though, it started to really hit me.
We all have such incredible potential for staggering success, but its a personal battle for each and every one of us. No matter the struggle or lack there of, in the end our success is measured only by the effect it had on those around us and ourselves. With networking, every human being now has the chance to be part of something so much bigger. When we as people can finally come together and simply help out one another, we can ALL achieve so much more. Every person in this society and this world could rise above what we are now, if only we could accept and help our fellow humans...instead of cheating and killing them.
Change like this takes time and unfortunately great loss to usually happen. We as a race naturally like to think of ourselves or only those around us. We very easily and often forget the bigger picture. We are part of something absolutely incredible. We have the potential to literally change reality as we know it, which has been done many many times before.
Somehow getting rid of AdSense ads led to world peace lol...Anyways I thought I'd just give you all that little update. Now to go and re-edit my page ^_^
Doing that is technically me attempting to persuade you to click on some random ad and buy something, so I can get paid. But that's nothing like what I want, considering I only want to help out the few people that actually read what I write >_< For you the reader, I attempt to maintain this blog with the most useful and trustworthy material I can gather. By allowing someone else to choose what is promoted on my site, I have already failed in my goal.
Ive seen some of the ads too, they're really stupid if you ask me. Especially the picture ones, some are straight up offensive. So in the spirit of this particular sphere of the internet, I will no longer be supporting third party ads. Every ad you see on this page from this day forward will be hand selected and personally tested by me. The links I post do benefit me, but in my opinion they can benefit you so much more. Up until a year and a half ago I didn't even know what Network Marketing was. Once I got the big picture though, it started to really hit me.
We all have such incredible potential for staggering success, but its a personal battle for each and every one of us. No matter the struggle or lack there of, in the end our success is measured only by the effect it had on those around us and ourselves. With networking, every human being now has the chance to be part of something so much bigger. When we as people can finally come together and simply help out one another, we can ALL achieve so much more. Every person in this society and this world could rise above what we are now, if only we could accept and help our fellow humans...instead of cheating and killing them.
Change like this takes time and unfortunately great loss to usually happen. We as a race naturally like to think of ourselves or only those around us. We very easily and often forget the bigger picture. We are part of something absolutely incredible. We have the potential to literally change reality as we know it, which has been done many many times before.
Somehow getting rid of AdSense ads led to world peace lol...Anyways I thought I'd just give you all that little update. Now to go and re-edit my page ^_^
network marketing,
world peace
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