So not only was I treated to an ever growing tree (anywhere from 7 to 20 people a day), I also recieved a payment from Yuwie. It was for the last couple months but heck, its free money for me ^_^ Heres a pic of that as well

In case that's too small for you to see, its a payment to Paypal from Yuwie for $32.68.
So for those of you that've been led to believe Yuwie is some sort of scam, here's proof that you're missing out on money. While it is indeed true that money on Yuwie can be hard to come by, its actualy quite simple for the patient and for those willing to learn a little bit. There are thousands of people that would have you believe you can make money with Yuwie through all sorts of crazy techniques, but in all honesty it boils down to pretty much one thing.
If you can't show the people you invite how to duplicate your efforts, I can almost guarantee that you won't get anywhere quickly. For those at Yuwie that think its too hard to succeed, just look at my numbers. Yuwie was literally my first experience at Network Marketing, and its taken me just about a Year now to build up those 100 referrals. My goal for this next coming year is to be at around 500 by the end of the year.
As you can see, my referrals have learned how to duplicate fairly well. While my levels 2 and 3 arent very active at all, the real money makers (lvs 8,9 & 10) are thriving with constant activity. If you've been looking for some proof before getting involved with Yuwie, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email is ReferralHelp@Gmail.com and I'm always happy to answer questions. I've been an active member of Yuwie since right towards its conception, and I've seen a lot happen there since then.
If you don't understand how exactly I'm making this money, take 5 minutes out of your day to view >>> THIS <<< video. I hope to help you grow your trees far beyond mine and far beyond what you ever thought you were capable of doing. It's so easy to do its crazy that people don't
Your competition is still hardly noticeable at best, so get ahead of the crowd while you can and establish your base. What you see above is the fruit of 11 months of Time, not necissarily effort. Since you aren't the only one earning you money, it's in your best interest to spread the word as EFFECTIVELY as possible. Don't mislead people, for you shall beget like results.
Honestly be there to help others, and help shall honestly be there for you.
Yuwie is a great social network. Lots of nice people, and interesting blogs! Congratulations and Continued Success!
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why can yuwie pay us? how its work?
I like Yuwie though I don't have many referrals but I'm working on it.
I belong to all the referral programs you can think of and probably some you don't even know about..lol
I'll keep at it.
Congrats on the money!
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