Saturday, June 28, 2008
Looking to lose a little weight?
Start taking a half hour walk every day or every other day. Try and find a route that will go up a couple hills so you can expend some extra energy during your walk. I personaly like to eat after I've gone on a good long walk, because the metabolism is usualy kicking for a good 3 to 6 hours after a descent exercise. Try not worrying too much about what you eat, but more importantly when and why you eat.
Eating because you're bored or upset are common but self destructive, and will only serve to make you feel worse as time goes on. Eating is great but it doesnt need to be done around the clock, as much as many of us like doing >_< including myself lol. If you're really looking to lose weight and get in shape, start researching your local Martial Art schools. Not only will you be learning excellent self defense techniques, you will begin to be much more confident with yourself and the way you start to feel.
Try to avoid eating directly before bed. Im guilty of that one way too often, and doing this is probably one of the worst things you can do. If you eat and then simply pass out, your body can't do anything with that food except store it for later use. Not what you're looking for lol.
If walking outdoors isnt really your thing, start looking through the newspaper for tag sales. A few days of tag sale hopping and you might just find a working tread mill or step machine for wicked cheap, so that way you can exercise from the comfort of your own home. If you don't have time for a scheduled walk, try to cut down on the use of your car. If you need to run down the street for a couple small things, try walking or taking a bike instead.
Heres an obvious and mature one. If you're in a relationship, try spicing up your sex life a bit. Not only will this likely increase the comfort level between you two, its also an excellent way to burn a bunch of calories. Who said weight loss can't be fun?
If you need more imediate results, think about joining your local gym and researching different exercises online. You can also look into all the different health food products out today, just make sure you do some descent research before hand. If you decide to spend money, make sure its money well spent before hand.
I'm sure these are all quite obvious suggestions, but hopefuly some of them can be some help to you or someone you know. Being overweight isn't always a bad thing, but most of us like thinking about being fit, sexy, or just slightly more attractive. We can all be however we would like to see ourselves, if we're just willing enough to accept that we already have everything we could ever desire.
Stay positive and stay fit, peace & prosperity
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My First Penny from AdSense
To be Great, you must have once been Small. To achieve, you must have once failed. This is a simple truth that nearly every person alive today can agree with, aside from those "lucky" few that seem to just have it all. So for me I find it important to take pride in every accomplishment, no matter how big or how small. Every step in the right direction is one less step untill you reach your goals. Looking ahead in life is a very important passtime, just don't let it consume you.
It's always important to mind your current surroundings, lest you get swept up in the torents of your own inner desires. Whenever you daydream about the future, fill it with all the things you'd like to matter how "imposible" they might seem. As you continue to do this and live this, you will strongly and quickly begin attracting like circumstances to you.
So remember, no achievement is ever too small. Also, don't forget to mind your failures. Failures are an absolutely vital part of success, so make sure to learn something from every percieved failure. With this in mind, perhaps your day might get just a tiny bit less stressful ^_^
This Technology is Absolutely Incredible
Click Here to listen in to this excellent information
If you'd like you could also just go to the Main Page to see what this is all about
Thanks for reading, I'll see you there
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Be Careful Not to get Too Ahead of Yourself
Whenever you're presented with a new opportunity, do yourself a favor and do some light Research on it before you decide to sign up. Remember that its very important to go with what feels right, but its also important to know the facts before making most decisions online. Getting into this habit today will save you a lot of money and time in the long run, so I suggest taking a moment to let that sink in before you continue
Looking into things before hand will help to keep you from getting too far ahead of yourself, which is far too easy to do online. Just look at the average person that uses Traffic Exchanges, I know because I used to be this way >_< You can get so caught up in all these programs that you wind up joining far too many to keep track of. Soon you've spread your energy so far out that you simply can't sustain adequate results. Its far more intelligent to focus on a few effective sites, upgrade, and do your surfing and promoting...unless you already have a proven system for promoting to alot of people.
The average person has a lot on their hands, trust me we've all been there and most of us still are...including myself. We're all just looking for a way to get by in life in comfort, not just for us but for our loved ones and fellow human beings. There isnt nearly enough honesty in the world these days, so sad it would seem. Its as if being honest these days is taboo, and is only seen on rare occasions amongst friends and family. When you find advice or topics that truely interest and benefit you, go for it. If the research checks out and it feels right, follow it. No questions asked.
We all came here for one reason or another, and if we can't accept our own guidance how can we ever expect to become something more? You can only lead yourself astray if you believe so. When you meet with failure, step back and look over what went wrong. Find the weak points and the holes then fix them, and try again. Every setback we experience in life can only serve to expand the base of our inevitable success.
A small bit of advice I'd like to give to all those budding networkers out there, take it a few programs at a time. The same thing goes for average folk with everyday projects, simply take it a couple steps at a time. Allow your environment and your actions to sink in and become natural, as this aids in the Attraction of positive circumstances. A tree doesnt grow in a week, it grows in a lifetime.
Fortunately and unfortunately for us, technology is a bit faster then our loved Mother Nature. Its fortunate because it allows for exponential growth in record time. The unfortunate fact is that its sometimes hard to stay ahead of the constant curve in the Networking Industry. Things are always changing or being improved, and so many people are making tons of money off selling OLD ideas. While Old techniques will always be effective to some degree, its vital to stay fresh and new...while remaining effective and efficient.
If you currently dont have a project, assign yourself one. Anything will do, even something as simple as wash out the cup thats been sitting in your room all day...or week >_< When you get the time, start and FINISH your project. I'd suggest keeping it small and simple for now, so you can make sure to finish what you start. Its important to always finish whatever you start, this will usually make it much easier to get through longer and more strenuous tasks. Remember to take it a couple steps at a time, so you don't get too far ahead of yourself. Stick with this mentality every day and you'll start seeing results and feeling much better about yourself
Until next time, Peace & Prosperity
Monday, June 23, 2008
Do you think Yuwie is a Scam?
The program is simply too hard to effectively promote to the average person. They typical person doesn't want to join something that won't benefit them without some serious effort. And that's where Yuwie comes in.
I'm sure you've seen the Giants in the industry such as Myspace, Facebook, or DirectMatches...yet many people have yet to hear of the youngsters such as Yuwie or ZenZuu. These newer Social Networks are implementing a new system which allows each and every member of these free sites to earn money each and every month, year after year.
Payments like that are usually attributed to Residual Income, and the way these companies can afford to pay each member is through a thing called Revenue Sharing. While a little complicated, this system is fairly easy to break down and understand. By deciding to stick with Revenue Sharing, these companies have decided to change the nature of their game.
Now instead of taking a large percentage of their profits and using it for advertising, they return that income to all members month after month. Each individual earns a certain percentage of the RSR (revenue share rating) for each month per click divided by a few other factors. Individually the money that is made is paltry at best. For 50,000 clicks you'd be lucky to earn 5 bucks. So then you ask, whats all the hub bub aloo about?
The fact that you have a multiple leveled downline. Now don't go running away thinking this is some standard MLM scam, because thousands of members have been getting paid AND they never sell a single thing to a single person. That's the point of these newer opportunities, they're absolutely free to every member. In these new social social networks like Yuwie it becomes easy to earn a nice chunk of change each month for doing what you already do every day.
When you're making small talk with your co workers or friends, you can bring up the fact that you get paid to do the same thing they do every day. Please and I cant stress this enough, don't lead them on. Don't tell them they can start up and be earning hundreds of dollars a month, since they simply can't. Yuwie is all about building residual income, which means as the members you invite begin duplicating your efforts, then those they bring in become on and so forth. This takes some time, but even getting in just 5 referrals each month will put you much farther ahead of the crowd then most.
When you Sign Up you can immediately go about tidying up your space. At first learning how to edit a profile layout can be hard, but its never been simpler now that you can apply member made layouts to your page. Set up and join clubs to stay better connected with the community, or simply browse around and add interesting people. You can even tune into Y-Radio nearly every day of the week to stay even more in touch with whats going on behind the scenes.
As you start to tell your friends or bring in members through your latest advertising technique, you'll slowly begin to see your downline growing on its own. With payouts as low as $5 by paypal, you could be earning within your first two months (payments take a month to process I believe), and you'll be earning from that point on. Even if you were only earning a measly $5 a month for the time being, that's still free money in your pocket.
So whether you're a Myspace Superstar or the neighborhood hermit, you'll be welcomed here at Yuwie with open arms.
Just remember, "You Always miss 100% of the shots you Never take"
But don't take my word for it, do a little bit of research. Google up Yuwie and Scam and see what you come up with. Come to your own decision, but when you finally decide to join...which one day you undoubtedly will, you'll be welcomed with still open arms ^_^
Happy blogging friends, till next time
Peace & Prosperity to you all
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Need some Referrals to your Program?
- Sign up to Member supported programs and recieve the credits they offer you
- Click on banners each day to earn some extra credits
- Purchase bulk credits for as low as $8.00
- Refer active members and earn 15% - 10% - 5% off of the credits your downline earns
Free members can post up to 5 referral requests at a time, and must verify requests for credits with three days. I personaly just did the monthly upgrade for $2, which gives you a nice gold star, allows you to post as many requests as you please...and you can verify requests within three weeks. Having the extra time to verify is great because it helps weed out the people that just sign up for credits, with no intention on being a part of your program. Even if you've requested a referral for a program, you can always remove the request and get your credits back should you ever change your mind.
For just $4.00 a month you can advertise your favorite banner on every page of the website, which is just a nice little extra. One great feature of ProgramRefs is the CreditRelease system. This allows you to give a new signup credits at the rate of 1-10 each day, week, or month. Its a real nice added incentive for those programs where you need active referrals.
So if your next project requires a new influx of active referrals, I'd suggest trying your hand at ProgramRefs. Sign up is free and so is the service, plus you never know what kind of programs you might find being promoted. Stop struggling to advertise to random strangers when you could be helping out eager referrals?

Staying on Top of Things
Thats a problem that seems to be waging war on this industry, and ourselves. It seems so hard for people to stay on top of things these days. Its just so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of our world, to forget what exactly it is we want. Its so hard sometimes to just take a few deep breathes and collect ourselves, so that we may continue along a desired path.
I know I’m very guilty of getting sidetracked, I cant even begin to tell you how many times I start something only to remember it two months later >_<>
You are the gardener of your life. You’re the one that chooses what seeds to plant where and when, how often you upkeep them, feed them, encourage them, and so forth. That goes for everything you do in your life, from the mundane to the magnificent. So what does that mean?
Put on your best pair of gloves, you’ve got a forest to plant!
Develop a routine for yourself. First and foremost, never let a project overwhelm the flow of your life. You must always make sure your job and living situation is secure, and that you have enough money for food and bills. Also don’t shut yourself off from the world, always be sure to schedule time for friends and loved ones. When you begin developing your routine, do it one step at a time. If you sit down and try to make out your whole routine, I can promise you it’ll never work. Start with the easier things that are related to your specific project. Start by making time for the small tasks
With a few weeks you’ll be so accustomed to these smaller tasks that adding a larger one won’t seem as difficult. You could even replace a couple of the smaller aspects with bigger more pressing parts of the project. As time goes on you’ll have a well oiled machine that you’ve personally adapted to and developed, allowing for maximum flexibility.
So next time you decide you want to start a new project, plan to finish it. Don’t start expecting to finish right away, give it some time and spread out your effort..that way you won’t wear down nearly as quick. It will also give the creative centers of the mind some needed time to rest, which will make it easier to continue pulling out interesting and innovative ideas.
Till next time, Peace & Prosperity my friendsTake an Interest in Yourself
Heres a tip
Take a few minutes a day to forget about everything around you, except for you. Take a few minutes to just breathe in and re-affirm just who you are. Think about how you would like to feel, then feel yourself adjust to that thought. Think about want you want to happen in your life, and accept as you begin attracting that reality your way. If you have more then just a couple minutes a day, I would deffinately suggest at least brief ten minute meditations
If you’ve never meditated before, this is the simplest way I can put it.
- Find a place where you are alone, comfortable, and will not be disturbed
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable postion, then simply relax
- Focus on keeping your mind aware of how your body feels, as well as the rhythm of your breath
- Try and feel a vibrating sensation throughout your entire body, often washing up from the feet
- Begin to breath slower and close your eyes
- Slowly lift you hands and very slowly seperate your fingers
- Feel the energy leap from finger to finger and surge through your tendons as you raise your arm
- Attempt to increase your vibrations, if it begins to hurt I suggest aborting
Relaxing music with little or no vocals can often help with meditations, but any type of music will esentialy work. Its entirely dependent on the individual. If you do a simple meditation at least twice a week you will begin feeling energeticaly sharper, and you might even see a boost in “Good Luck”. We are all beings of energy, so why not accept it and understand it a little?
Releasing pent up energy is a very healthy process, one that allows for a more open flow of ascending energies. The typical energy ways of an average person are quite small and energy practicaly squeezes its way through. Yet there are those like the Shamans of Old whose gateways were like Forces of Nature, putting the crushing power of the seas to shame. And on that topic, I’d just like to say…never stop dreaming
We can only Become. We become what we believe. Believe that life is mundane, that you shall grow old and die…then so you shall. We are approaching a time of drastic change. If the human race survives itself, things will begin to look radicaly different in record time. So never stop dreaming. When you look up at the stars at night, dont just think of how beautiful it looks. Accept and understand just how beautiful it is to be a part of this life, of this reality this universe and this world. Never stop believing in yourself, no matter what
Just you wait and see, before you know it you’ll have accomplished many great things ^_^
The Importance of Keeping a Blog
Keeping a blog is essential for pretty much anyone doing pretty much anything. Keeping a blog does many things for you.
- Helps relieve stress and frustration
- Helps to brainstorm
- Keeping up a daily blog takes dedication, and inner discipline
- Encourages imagination and stimulates creative energies
- Makes connections with thousands of individuals, which always feels good
- Helps others to find something they’re searching for or curious about
- Allows for significantly more open communication with your fellow human being
- Theres really too many to keep going
As you write your blog entries and share your own unique point of view, you will begin to establish a presence online. Whether you cherish your loyal fans or market your latest Big Thing to them, really depends on you. I have no intentions on marketing to anyone, though I’ll probably toss in a google adwords thing here and there or promote some of my favorite sites from time to time. I’d like to have this be sort of my Zen space, where I can go to relieve my mind of thought and reason. When I write I prefer to simply flow and let ideas come to me, with me writing is similar to energy work
Keeping a blog going is a great way to write a book or a comic, simply write down whatever comes to your mind in short blogs. As time goes on you’ve not only built up a loyal fanbase, you’ve written your first or hundredth book. You could share new recepie ideas with people, and ask for their constructive criticism. Encourage people to post their own recepies, and you’ll have your very own cookbook in no time at all. If you’re successful at internet marketing, you can always share your tips and views on the industry with everyone. There are tons of people out there that know money can be made on the internet, yet they simply dont know how
Its sad how many people fail in Online Networking. Statisticaly only about 5% of networkers actualy see any significant success. I personaly think its in part the fact that so many people have very little unbiased knowledge about the field.
There’ll be more on that to come, thanks for reading