Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Be Careful Not to get Too Ahead of Yourself

This is a problem I personally suffer from. Im always looking so far ahead that more often then not, I miss whats going on right before my eyes.

Whenever you're presented with a new opportunity, do yourself a favor and do some light Research on it before you decide to sign up. Remember that its very important to go with what feels right, but its also important to know the facts before making most decisions online. Getting into this habit today will save you a lot of money and time in the long run, so I suggest taking a moment to let that sink in before you continue

Looking into things before hand will help to keep you from getting too far ahead of yourself, which is far too easy to do online. Just look at the average person that uses Traffic Exchanges, I know because I used to be this way >_< You can get so caught up in all these programs that you wind up joining far too many to keep track of. Soon you've spread your energy so far out that you simply can't sustain adequate results. Its far more intelligent to focus on a few effective sites, upgrade, and do your surfing and promoting...unless you already have a proven system for promoting to alot of people.

The average person has a lot on their hands, trust me we've all been there and most of us still are...including myself. We're all just looking for a way to get by in life in comfort, not just for us but for our loved ones and fellow human beings. There isnt nearly enough honesty in the world these days, so sad it would seem. Its as if being honest these days is taboo, and is only seen on rare occasions amongst friends and family. When you find advice or topics that truely interest and benefit you, go for it. If the research checks out and it feels right, follow it. No questions asked.

We all came here for one reason or another, and if we can't accept our own guidance how can we ever expect to become something more? You can only lead yourself astray if you believe so. When you meet with failure, step back and look over what went wrong. Find the weak points and the holes then fix them, and try again. Every setback we experience in life can only serve to expand the base of our inevitable success.

A small bit of advice I'd like to give to all those budding networkers out there, take it a few programs at a time. The same thing goes for average folk with everyday projects, simply take it a couple steps at a time. Allow your environment and your actions to sink in and become natural, as this aids in the Attraction of positive circumstances. A tree doesnt grow in a week, it grows in a lifetime.

Fortunately and unfortunately for us, technology is a bit faster then our loved Mother Nature. Its fortunate because it allows for exponential growth in record time. The unfortunate fact is that its sometimes hard to stay ahead of the constant curve in the Networking Industry. Things are always changing or being improved, and so many people are making tons of money off selling OLD ideas. While Old techniques will always be effective to some degree, its vital to stay fresh and new...while remaining effective and efficient.

If you currently dont have a project, assign yourself one. Anything will do, even something as simple as wash out the cup thats been sitting in your room all day...or week >_< When you get the time, start and FINISH your project. I'd suggest keeping it small and simple for now, so you can make sure to finish what you start. Its important to always finish whatever you start, this will usually make it much easier to get through longer and more strenuous tasks. Remember to take it a couple steps at a time, so you don't get too far ahead of yourself. Stick with this mentality every day and you'll start seeing results and feeling much better about yourself

Until next time, Peace & Prosperity

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